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Error: Could not resolve field 'Contact_Level__c' from <apex:outputField> value binding '{!item.Contact_Level__c}' in page ContactManager

<apex:page controller="ContactsManagerController" docType="html-5.0" tabStyle="Contact">
<!--apex:page standardController="Contact" extensions="ContactsManagerController"-->

<apex:sectionHeader title="Contact" subtitle="Contact Manager" />
<apex:form >

<apex:pageBlock rendered="true" id="showmsg" mode="maindetail">

<!-- Messages -->
<apex:outputPanel title="">
<apex:pageMessages ></apex:pageMessages>

<apex:pageBlockSection title="All Contacts" collapsible="false" >
<!-- Search block-->
<apex:outputPanel >
<apex:outputLabel value="First / Last Name: " for="con" id="label"/>
<apex:inputText value="{!searchString}" title="First / Last Name" id="con"/>&nbsp;
<apex:commandButton action="{!Search}" title=" Search records by criteria" value=" Search " rendered="true" />

<!-- New Contact button-->
<apex:outputPanel style="float:right">
<apex:commandButton action="{!newContact}" title=" New Contact " value=" New Contact " rendered="true" />

<!-- Navigation/Pagination block -->
<apex:pageBlockButtons location="bottom" title="Navigation" >
<!-- Navigation buttons -->
<apex:commandButton action="{!First}" title="First page" value="First" rendered="true" disabled="{!currentPage==1}"/>
<apex:commandButton action="{!Prev}" title="Previous page" value="Prev" rendered="true" disabled="{!currentPage==1}"/>

<!-- Page number information -->
<apex:outputPanel style="float:center;">
<apex:outputText > Page {!currentPage} of {!pageCount} </apex:outputText>

<!-- Navigation buttons -->
<apex:commandButton action="{!Next}" title="Next page" value="Next" rendered="true" disabled="{!currentPage==pageCount}"/>
<apex:commandButton action="{!End}" title="Last page" value="Last" rendered="true" disabled="{!currentPage==pageCount}"/>

<!-- Page count records for pagination -->
<apex:outputPanel style="float:right;">
Items per page:&nbsp;
<apex:selectList value="{!pageSize}" size="1" onchange="setItemsPerPage();" title="Records per page">
<apex:selectOptions value="{!pageSizeItems}"/>
<apex:actionFunction name="setItemsPerPage" action="{!setItemsPerPage}"/>

<!-- Contacts list block -->
<apex:pageBlockSection title="Contacts Information" collapsible="false" columns="1">
<apex:pageBlockTable value="{!contactsList}" var="item" id="contactTable">
<!-- Columns -->
<apex:column >
<apex:facet name="header">
<!-- Change ordering -->
<apex:commandLink value="Name" action="{!setOrderIndex}" reRender="contactTable">
<apex:param name="orderIndex" value="0" assignTo="{!orderIndex}" />
<apex:outputLink value="/{!item.id}">
<apex:outputField value="{!item.name}" />

<apex:column >
<apex:facet name="header">
<apex:commandLink value="Email" action="{!setOrderIndex}" reRender="contactTable">
<apex:param name="orderIndex" value="1" assignTo="{!orderIndex}" />
<apex:outputField value="{!item.email}" />

<apex:column >
<apex:facet name="header">
<apex:commandLink value="Contact Level" action="{!setOrderIndex}" reRender="contactTable">
<apex:param name="orderIndex" value="2" assignTo="{!orderIndex}" />
<apex:outputField value="{!item.Contact_Level__c}" />

<apex:column >
<apex:facet name="header">
<apex:commandLink value="Account" action="{!setOrderIndex}" reRender="contactTable">
<apex:param name="orderIndex" value="3" assignTo="{!orderIndex}" />
<apex:outputField value="{!item.Account.Name}" />

<apex:column >
<apex:facet name="header">
<apex:commandLink value="Owner" action="{!setOrderIndex}" reRender="contactTable">
<apex:param name="orderIndex" value="4" assignTo="{!orderIndex}" />
<apex:outputField value="{!item.Owner.name}" />

<apex:column >
<apex:facet name="header">
<apex:commandLink value="Created By" action="{!setOrderIndex}" reRender="contactTable">
<apex:param name="orderIndex" value="5" assignTo="{!orderIndex}" />
<apex:outputField value="{!item.CreatedBy.Name}" />

<apex:column >
<apex:facet name="header">
<apex:commandLink value="Created date" action="{!setOrderIndex}" reRender="contactTable">
<apex:param name="orderIndex" value="6" assignTo="{!orderIndex}" />
<apex:outputField value="{!item.CreatedDate}" />
<apex:column >
<!-- Delete current record button -->
<apex:commandButton action="{!del}" title=" Delete current record " value=" Del " reRender="showmsg" rendered="true"
onclick="if(!confirm('You are trying to delete the entry. Are you sure?')){return false};">
<apex:param name="contactId" assignTo="{!contactId}" value="{!item.Id}"/>

а вот class
public with sharing class ContactsManagerController {
// New Contact page
private final String NEW_CONTACT_PAGE = '/apex/NewContact';

//list of Contacts
public List<Contact> contactsList {get; private set;}
//list of fields to be getted from database (for ordering logic)
private List<String> contactsFieldList {get; private set;}
// total count records
private integer contactsListCount {get;set;}
// offset for pagination
private integer contactsListOffset {get;set;}
// ordering
public integer orderIndex {get;set;}
// order direction
private String orderDirection {get;set;}
private integer prevOrderIndex = 0;
// pagination
public final integer PAGE_SIZE_DEFAULT_INDEX = 1;
public List<SelectOption> pageSizeItems {get; private set;}
public integer pageSize {get;set;}
public integer pageCount {get;set;}
public integer currentPage {get;set;}
// for deleting and searching commands
public String contactId {get;set;}
public String searchString {get;set;}

//constructor without standatd controller
public ContactsManagerController(){
// create fields list
this.contactsFieldList = new List<String>{'Name',
//create count items per page allowable values list
this.pageSizeItems = new List<SelectOption>{
new SelectOption('5','5'),
new SelectOption('10','10'),
new SelectOption('20','20'),
new SelectOption('50','50'),
new SelectOption('100','100')};
// set default count items per page
this.pageSize = Integer.valueOf(pageSizeItems.get(PAGE_SIZE_DEFAULT_INDEX).getValue());
//set default filter to search
this.searchString = '';
//set default column number to ordering
this.orderIndex = 0;
//set default direction to ordering
this.orderDirection = 'ASC';
// set default offset for pagination
this.contactsListOffset = 0;
//build contacts list

// make new list of contactsList using pagination and ordering
private void getContactsList(){
//refrech total records
// notnalize value to '' if null
this.searchString = (searchString==null) ? '' : searchString;
// calculate current page
// fetch records from database
this.contactsList = Database.query('SELECT '+
String.join(contactsFieldList, ',')+
' FROM contact '+
' WHERE firstName like \'%'+searchString+'%\' OR lastName like \'%'+searchString+'%\' '+
' ORDER BY '+contactsFieldList.get(orderIndex)+' '+orderDirection+
' LIMIT '+pageSize+
' OFFSET '+contactsListOffset*pageSize);

// get total count of records
private void getTotalRecords(){
// notnalize value to '' if null
this.searchString = (searchString==null) ? '' : searchString;
// fetch total count from database
this.contactsListCount = Database.countQuery('select count() FROM contact '+' WHERE firstName like \'%'+searchString+'%\' OR lastName like \'%'+searchString+'%\' ');
// calculate page count
this.pageCount = ((contactsListCount / pageSize)*pageSize!=contactsListCount)
? (contactsListCount / pageSize+1) : (contactsListCount / pageSize);
// show message if no recirds found
if(contactsListCount==0 && ApexPages.currentPage()!=null){
ApexPages.addMessage(new ApexPages.Message(ApexPages.Severity.WARNING,'No records found'));

// get records for first page
public void first(){
this.contactsListOffset = 0;
//rebuild contacts list

// get records for previous pages
public void prev(){
this.contactsListOffset = (contactsListOffset>0) ? contactsListOffset-1 : contactsListOffset;
//rebuild contacts list

//get records for next page
public void next(){
this.contactsListOffset = ((contactsListOffset+1)*pageSize<contactsListCount)
? contactsListOffset+1 : contactsListOffset;
//rebuild contacts list

//get records for last pages
public void end(){
contactsListOffset = contactsListCount / pageSize;
this.contactsListOffset = (contactsListOffset*pageSize==contactsListCount && contactsListOffset>0)
? contactsListOffset-1 : contactsListOffset;
//rebuild contacts list

// set order and order direction
public void setOrderIndex(){
this.orderDirection = 'DESC';
this.orderDirection = 'ASC';
} else {
this.orderDirection = 'ASC';
//rebuild contacts list

// delele decord
public void del(){
// get contact by Id
Contact cnt = [select Id from contact where Id = :contactId];
// delete contact
delete cnt;
ApexPages.addMessage(new ApexPages.Message(ApexPages.Severity.INFO,'Contact #'+contactId+' was deleted'));
//rebuild contacts list

// search and show records
public void search(){
this.contactsListOffset = 0;
//rebuild contacts list

// re init count items per page
public void setItemsPerPage(){
//rebuild contacts list

// redirect to new contact page
public PageReference newContact(){
PageReference pr = new PageReference(NEW_CONTACT_PAGE);
return pr;

<apex:page controller="ContactsManagerController" docType="html-5.0" tabStyle="Contact">
<!--apex:page standardController="Contact" extensions="ContactsManagerController"-->
    <apex:sectionHeader title="Contact" subtitle="Contact Manager" />
    <apex:form >
        <apex:pageBlock rendered="true" id="showmsg" mode="maindetail">          
            <!-- Messages -->
            <apex:outputPanel title="">
                <apex:pageMessages ></apex:pageMessages>
            <apex:pageBlockSection title="All Contacts" collapsible="false" >
                <!-- Search block-->
                <apex:outputPanel >
                    <apex:outputLabel value="First / Last Name: " for="con" id="label"/>
                    <apex:inputText value="{!searchString}" title="First / Last Name" id="con"/>&nbsp;
                    <apex:commandButton action="{!Search}" title=" Search records by criteria" value=" Search " rendered="true" />
                <!-- New Contact button-->
                <apex:outputPanel style="float:right">
                <apex:commandButton action="{!newContact}" title=" New Contact " value=" New Contact " rendered="true" />
            <!-- Navigation/Pagination block -->
            <apex:pageBlockButtons location="bottom" title="Navigation" >
                <!-- Navigation buttons -->
                <apex:commandButton action="{!First}" title="First page"    value="First" rendered="true" disabled="{!currentPage==1}"/>
                <apex:commandButton action="{!Prev}"  title="Previous page" value="Prev"  rendered="true" disabled="{!currentPage==1}"/>
                <!-- Page number information -->
                <apex:outputPanel style="float:center;">
                    <apex:outputText > Page {!currentPage} of {!pageCount} </apex:outputText>
                <!-- Navigation buttons -->
                <apex:commandButton action="{!Next}" title="Next page" value="Next" rendered="true" disabled="{!currentPage==pageCount}"/>
                <apex:commandButton action="{!End}"  title="Last page" value="Last" rendered="true" disabled="{!currentPage==pageCount}"/>
                <!-- Page count records for pagination -->
                <apex:outputPanel style="float:right;">
                    Items per page:&nbsp;
                    <apex:selectList value="{!pageSize}" size="1" onchange="setItemsPerPage();" title="Records per page">
                        <apex:selectOptions value="{!pageSizeItems}"/>
                    <apex:actionFunction name="setItemsPerPage" action="{!setItemsPerPage}"/>
            <!-- Contacts list block -->
            <apex:pageBlockSection title="Contacts Information" collapsible="false" columns="1"> 
            <apex:pageBlockTable value="{!contactsList}" var="item" id="contactTable">
                <!-- Columns -->
                <apex:column >
                    <apex:facet name="header">
                        <!-- Change ordering -->
                        <apex:commandLink value="Name" action="{!setOrderIndex}" reRender="contactTable">
                            <apex:param name="orderIndex" value="0" assignTo="{!orderIndex}" />
                    <apex:outputLink value="/{!item.id}">
                        <apex:outputField value="{!item.name}" />
                <apex:column >
                    <apex:facet name="header">
                        <apex:commandLink value="Email" action="{!setOrderIndex}" reRender="contactTable">
                            <apex:param name="orderIndex" value="1" assignTo="{!orderIndex}" />
                    <apex:outputField value="{!item.email}" />
                <apex:column >
                    <apex:facet name="header">
                        <apex:commandLink value="Contact Level" action="{!setOrderIndex}" reRender="contactTable">
                            <apex:param name="orderIndex" value="2" assignTo="{!orderIndex}" />
                    <apex:outputField value="{!item.Contact_Level__c}" />
                <apex:column >
                    <apex:facet name="header">
                        <apex:commandLink value="Account" action="{!setOrderIndex}" reRender="contactTable">
                            <apex:param name="orderIndex" value="3" assignTo="{!orderIndex}" />
                    <apex:outputField value="{!item.Account.Name}" />
                <apex:column >
                    <apex:facet name="header">
                        <apex:commandLink value="Owner" action="{!setOrderIndex}" reRender="contactTable">
                            <apex:param name="orderIndex" value="4" assignTo="{!orderIndex}" />
                    <apex:outputField value="{!item.Owner.name}" />
                <apex:column >
                    <apex:facet name="header">
                        <apex:commandLink value="Created By" action="{!setOrderIndex}" reRender="contactTable">
                            <apex:param name="orderIndex" value="5" assignTo="{!orderIndex}" />
                    <apex:outputField value="{!item.CreatedBy.Name}" />
                <apex:column >
                    <apex:facet name="header">
                        <apex:commandLink value="Created date" action="{!setOrderIndex}" reRender="contactTable">
                            <apex:param name="orderIndex" value="6" assignTo="{!orderIndex}" />
                    <apex:outputField value="{!item.CreatedDate}" />
                <apex:column >
                    <!-- Delete current record button -->
                    <apex:commandButton action="{!del}" title=" Delete current record " value=" Del " reRender="showmsg" rendered="true" 
                                        onclick="if(!confirm('You are trying to delete the entry. Are you sure?')){return false};">
                        <apex:param name="contactId" assignTo="{!contactId}" value="{!item.Id}"/>

а вот class
public with sharing class ContactsManagerController {
    // New Contact page
    private final String NEW_CONTACT_PAGE = '/apex/NewContact';
    //list of Contacts
    public  List<Contact> contactsList  {get; private set;}
    //list of fields to be getted from database (for ordering logic)
    private List<String>  contactsFieldList {get; private set;}
    // total count records
    private integer contactsListCount   {get;set;}
    // offset for pagination
    private integer contactsListOffset  {get;set;}
    // ordering
    public  integer orderIndex     {get;set;}
    // order direction
    private String  orderDirection {get;set;}
    private integer prevOrderIndex  = 0;
    // pagination
    public  final integer PAGE_SIZE_DEFAULT_INDEX = 1; 
    public  List<SelectOption>  pageSizeItems {get; private set;}
    public  integer pageSize    {get;set;}
    public  integer pageCount   {get;set;}
    public  integer currentPage {get;set;} 
    // for deleting and searching commands
    public String contactId    {get;set;}
    public String searchString {get;set;}
    //constructor without standatd controller
    public ContactsManagerController(){
        // create fields list
		this.contactsFieldList = new List<String>{'Name',
        //create count items per page allowable values list
        this.pageSizeItems = new List<SelectOption>{
            								   new SelectOption('5','5'),
            								   new SelectOption('10','10'),
            								   new SelectOption('20','20'),
                                               new SelectOption('50','50'),
                                               new SelectOption('100','100')};
        // set default count items per page                                           
        this.pageSize = Integer.valueOf(pageSizeItems.get(PAGE_SIZE_DEFAULT_INDEX).getValue());
        //set default filter to search
        this.searchString = '';
        //set default column number to ordering 
        this.orderIndex = 0;
        //set default direction to ordering
        this.orderDirection = 'ASC';
        // set default offset for pagination
        this.contactsListOffset = 0;
        //build contacts list
    // make new list of contactsList using pagination and ordering    
    private void getContactsList(){
        //refrech total records 
        // notnalize value to '' if null
        this.searchString = (searchString==null) ? '' : searchString;
        // calculate current page
        // fetch records from database
        this.contactsList = Database.query('SELECT '+
                                  String.join(contactsFieldList, ',')+
                                  ' FROM contact '+
                                  ' WHERE firstName like \'%'+searchString+'%\' OR lastName like \'%'+searchString+'%\' '+ 
                                  ' ORDER BY '+contactsFieldList.get(orderIndex)+' '+orderDirection+
                                  ' LIMIT '+pageSize+
                                  ' OFFSET '+contactsListOffset*pageSize);
    // get total count of records
    private void getTotalRecords(){
        // notnalize value to '' if null
        this.searchString = (searchString==null) ? '' : searchString;     
        // fetch total count from database
        this.contactsListCount = Database.countQuery('select count() FROM contact '+' WHERE firstName like \'%'+searchString+'%\' OR lastName like \'%'+searchString+'%\' ');       
        // calculate page count
        this.pageCount = ((contactsListCount / pageSize)*pageSize!=contactsListCount)
            ? (contactsListCount / pageSize+1) : (contactsListCount / pageSize);
        // show message if no recirds found
        if(contactsListCount==0 && ApexPages.currentPage()!=null){
            ApexPages.addMessage(new ApexPages.Message(ApexPages.Severity.WARNING,'No records found'));
    // get records for first page
    public void first(){
        this.contactsListOffset = 0;
        //rebuild contacts list
    // get records for previous pages
    public void prev(){
        this.contactsListOffset = (contactsListOffset>0) ? contactsListOffset-1 : contactsListOffset;
        //rebuild contacts list
    //get records for next page
    public void next(){
        this.contactsListOffset = ((contactsListOffset+1)*pageSize<contactsListCount)
            ? contactsListOffset+1 : contactsListOffset;
        //rebuild contacts list
    //get records for last pages
    public void end(){
        contactsListOffset = contactsListCount / pageSize;
        this.contactsListOffset = (contactsListOffset*pageSize==contactsListCount && contactsListOffset>0)
            ? contactsListOffset-1 : contactsListOffset;
        //rebuild contacts list
    // set order and order direction
    public void setOrderIndex(){
                this.orderDirection = 'DESC';
                this.orderDirection = 'ASC';
        } else {
            this.orderDirection = 'ASC';
        //rebuild contacts list
    // delele decord
    public void del(){
        // get contact by Id
        Contact cnt = [select Id from contact where Id = :contactId];
        // delete contact
        delete cnt;
            	ApexPages.addMessage(new ApexPages.Message(ApexPages.Severity.INFO,'Contact #'+contactId+' was deleted'));
        //rebuild contacts list
    // search and show records
    public void search(){
        this.contactsListOffset = 0;
        //rebuild contacts list
    // re init count items per page
    public void setItemsPerPage(){
        //rebuild contacts list
    // redirect to new contact page
    public PageReference newContact(){
    	PageReference pr = new PageReference(NEW_CONTACT_PAGE);
        return pr;

Читал я название темы, читал, да так и не понял что куда и где.
Вроде и комментарии в коде на английском, и код пишется на английском, а вопрос на русском, что там спрашивается?
Вы уж если кодите что-то в английской системе, то используйте английский язык для интерфейса

Читал я название темы, читал, да так и не понял что куда и где.
Вроде и комментарии в коде на английском, и код пишется на английском, а вопрос на русском, что там спрашивается?
Вы уж если кодите что-то в английской системе, то используйте английский язык для интерфейса

Error: Could not resolve field 'Contact_Level__c' from <apex:outputField> value binding '{!item.Contact_Level__c}' in page ContactManager

Error: Could not resolve field 'Contact_Level__c' from <apex:outputField> value binding '{!item.Contact_Level__c}' in page ContactManager	

public with sharing class ContactsManagerController {
// New Contact page
private final String NEW_CONTACT_PAGE = '/apex/NewContact';

//list of Contacts
public List<Contact> contactsList {get; private set;}
//list of fields to be getted from database (for ordering logic)
private List<String> contactsFieldList {get; private set;}
// total count records
private integer contactsListCount {get;set;}
// offset for pagination
private integer contactsListOffset {get;set;}
// ordering
public integer orderIndex {get;set;}
// order direction
private String orderDirection {get;set;}
private integer prevOrderIndex = 0;
// pagination
public final integer PAGE_SIZE_DEFAULT_INDEX = 1;
public List<SelectOption> pageSizeItems {get; private set;}
public integer pageSize {get;set;}
public integer pageCount {get;set;}
public integer currentPage {get;set;}
// for deleting and searching commands
public String contactId {get;set;}
public String searchString {get;set;}

//constructor without standatd controller
public ContactsManagerController(){
// create fields list
this.contactsFieldList = new List<String>{'Name',
//create count items per page allowable values list
this.pageSizeItems = new List<SelectOption>{
new SelectOption('5','5'),
new SelectOption('10','10'),
new SelectOption('20','20'),
new SelectOption('50','50'),
new SelectOption('100','100')};
// set default count items per page
this.pageSize = Integer.valueOf(pageSizeItems.get(PAGE_SIZE_DEFAULT_INDEX).getValue());
//set default filter to search
this.searchString = '';
//set default column number to ordering
this.orderIndex = 0;
//set default direction to ordering
this.orderDirection = 'ASC';
// set default offset for pagination
this.contactsListOffset = 0;
//build contacts list

// make new list of contactsList using pagination and ordering
private void getContactsList(){
//refrech total records
// notnalize value to '' if null
this.searchString = (searchString==null) ? '' : searchString;
// calculate current page
// fetch records from database
this.contactsList = Database.query('SELECT '+
String.join(contactsFieldList, ',')+
' FROM contact '+
' WHERE firstName like \'%'+searchString+'%\' OR lastName like \'%'+searchString+'%\' '+
' ORDER BY '+contactsFieldList.get(orderIndex)+' '+orderDirection+
' LIMIT '+pageSize+
' OFFSET '+contactsListOffset*pageSize);

// get total count of records
private void getTotalRecords(){
// notnalize value to '' if null
this.searchString = (searchString==null) ? '' : searchString;
// fetch total count from database
this.contactsListCount = Database.countQuery('select count() FROM contact '+' WHERE firstName like \'%'+searchString+'%\' OR lastName like \'%'+searchString+'%\' ');
// calculate page count
this.pageCount = ((contactsListCount / pageSize)*pageSize!=contactsListCount)
? (contactsListCount / pageSize+1) : (contactsListCount / pageSize);
// show message if no recirds found
if(contactsListCount==0 && ApexPages.currentPage()!=null){
ApexPages.addMessage(new ApexPages.Message(ApexPages.Severity.WARNING,'No records found'));

// get records for first page
public void first(){
this.contactsListOffset = 0;
//rebuild contacts list

// get records for previous pages
public void prev(){
this.contactsListOffset = (contactsListOffset>0) ? contactsListOffset-1 : contactsListOffset;
//rebuild contacts list

//get records for next page
public void next(){
this.contactsListOffset = ((contactsListOffset+1)*pageSize<contactsListCount)
? contactsListOffset+1 : contactsListOffset;
//rebuild contacts list

//get records for last pages
public void end(){
contactsListOffset = contactsListCount / pageSize;
this.contactsListOffset = (contactsListOffset*pageSize==contactsListCount && contactsListOffset>0)
? contactsListOffset-1 : contactsListOffset;
//rebuild contacts list

// set order and order direction
public void setOrderIndex(){
this.orderDirection = 'DESC';
this.orderDirection = 'ASC';
} else {
this.orderDirection = 'ASC';
//rebuild contacts list

// delele decord
public void del(){
// get contact by Id
Contact cnt = [select Id from contact where Id = :contactId];
// delete contact
delete cnt;
ApexPages.addMessage(new ApexPages.Message(ApexPages.Severity.INFO,'Contact #'+contactId+' was deleted'));
//rebuild contacts list

// search and show records
public void search(){
this.contactsListOffset = 0;
//rebuild contacts list

// re init count items per page
public void setItemsPerPage(){
//rebuild contacts list

// redirect to new contact page
public PageReference newContact(){
PageReference pr = new PageReference(NEW_CONTACT_PAGE);
return pr;

Проверьте существует ли поле Contact_Level__c
Если существует - проверить правильное или нет имя у поля

[quote="lo"]public with sharing class ContactsManagerController {
// New Contact page
private final String NEW_CONTACT_PAGE = '/apex/NewContact';

//list of Contacts
public List<Contact> contactsList {get; private set;}
//list of fields to be getted from database (for ordering logic)
private List<String> contactsFieldList {get; private set;}
// total count records
private integer contactsListCount {get;set;}
// offset for pagination
private integer contactsListOffset {get;set;}
// ordering
public integer orderIndex {get;set;}
// order direction
private String orderDirection {get;set;}
private integer prevOrderIndex = 0;
// pagination
public final integer PAGE_SIZE_DEFAULT_INDEX = 1;
public List<SelectOption> pageSizeItems {get; private set;}
public integer pageSize {get;set;}
public integer pageCount {get;set;}
public integer currentPage {get;set;}
// for deleting and searching commands
public String contactId {get;set;}
public String searchString {get;set;}

//constructor without standatd controller
public ContactsManagerController(){
// create fields list
this.contactsFieldList = new List<String>{'Name',
//create count items per page allowable values list
this.pageSizeItems = new List<SelectOption>{
new SelectOption('5','5'),
new SelectOption('10','10'),
new SelectOption('20','20'),
new SelectOption('50','50'),
new SelectOption('100','100')};
// set default count items per page
this.pageSize = Integer.valueOf(pageSizeItems.get(PAGE_SIZE_DEFAULT_INDEX).getValue());
//set default filter to search
this.searchString = '';
//set default column number to ordering
this.orderIndex = 0;
//set default direction to ordering
this.orderDirection = 'ASC';
// set default offset for pagination
this.contactsListOffset = 0;
//build contacts list

// make new list of contactsList using pagination and ordering
private void getContactsList(){
//refrech total records
// notnalize value to '' if null
this.searchString = (searchString==null) ? '' : searchString;
// calculate current page
// fetch records from database
this.contactsList = Database.query('SELECT '+
String.join(contactsFieldList, ',')+
' FROM contact '+
' WHERE firstName like \'%'+searchString+'%\' OR lastName like \'%'+searchString+'%\' '+
' ORDER BY '+contactsFieldList.get(orderIndex)+' '+orderDirection+
' LIMIT '+pageSize+
' OFFSET '+contactsListOffset*pageSize);

// get total count of records
private void getTotalRecords(){
// notnalize value to '' if null
this.searchString = (searchString==null) ? '' : searchString;
// fetch total count from database
this.contactsListCount = Database.countQuery('select count() FROM contact '+' WHERE firstName like \'%'+searchString+'%\' OR lastName like \'%'+searchString+'%\' ');
// calculate page count
this.pageCount = ((contactsListCount / pageSize)*pageSize!=contactsListCount)
? (contactsListCount / pageSize+1) : (contactsListCount / pageSize);
// show message if no recirds found
if(contactsListCount==0 && ApexPages.currentPage()!=null){
ApexPages.addMessage(new ApexPages.Message(ApexPages.Severity.WARNING,'No records found'));

// get records for first page
public void first(){
this.contactsListOffset = 0;
//rebuild contacts list

// get records for previous pages
public void prev(){
this.contactsListOffset = (contactsListOffset>0) ? contactsListOffset-1 : contactsListOffset;
//rebuild contacts list

//get records for next page
public void next(){
this.contactsListOffset = ((contactsListOffset+1)*pageSize<contactsListCount)
? contactsListOffset+1 : contactsListOffset;
//rebuild contacts list

//get records for last pages
public void end(){
contactsListOffset = contactsListCount / pageSize;
this.contactsListOffset = (contactsListOffset*pageSize==contactsListCount && contactsListOffset>0)
? contactsListOffset-1 : contactsListOffset;
//rebuild contacts list

// set order and order direction
public void setOrderIndex(){
this.orderDirection = 'DESC';
this.orderDirection = 'ASC';
} else {
this.orderDirection = 'ASC';
//rebuild contacts list

// delele decord
public void del(){
// get contact by Id
Contact cnt = [select Id from contact where Id = :contactId];
// delete contact
delete cnt;
ApexPages.addMessage(new ApexPages.Message(ApexPages.Severity.INFO,'Contact #'+contactId+' was deleted'));
//rebuild contacts list

// search and show records
public void search(){
this.contactsListOffset = 0;
//rebuild contacts list

// re init count items per page
public void setItemsPerPage(){
//rebuild contacts list

// redirect to new contact page
public PageReference newContact(){
PageReference pr = new PageReference(NEW_CONTACT_PAGE);
return pr;

Проверьте существует ли поле Contact_Level__c
Если существует - проверить правильное или нет имя у поля

Для того чтобы убедиться что поле на месте и оно правильно названо
сделай простой SOQL и запусти в developer console.

SELECT Id, Contact_Level__c FROM Contact

И с следующий раз оборачивай весь код в тег code (последняя иконка в меню)

Для того чтобы убедиться что поле на месте и оно правильно названо
сделай простой SOQL и запусти в developer console.

SELECT Id, Contact_Level__c FROM Contact

И с следующий раз оборачивай весь код в тег code (последняя иконка в меню)